Estate Agents in Ealing, London

Grimshaw & Co

Located on Station Parade, opposite Ealing Common tube station, Grimshaw and Co enjoys a high profile corner position that’s perfect for attracting the passing high footfall.  We are proudly independent Estate Agents and Letting Agents and have been established over 50 years, with a wealth of knowledge of the local market, specialising in residential sales. With extensive experience and local knowledge, we are well placed to achieve the full potential for your property.

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5 Station Parade
Uxbridge Road
W5 3LD

Opening Hours

9am to 6pm
9am to 6pm
9am to 6pm
9am to 6pm
9am to 6pm
9am to 1pm

Our Team

Hugh Grimshaw BA (Hons)
Hugh Grimshaw

Hugh Grimshaw BA (Hons)


Working for the company for 30 years and an Ealing resident

Admin Manager
Louise Grimshaw
Louise Grimshaw

Louise Grimshaw

Admin Manager

Member of the team for 12 years having previously worked in Facilities Management in the oil and gas sector and is an Ealing resident

Senior Sales & Letting Neg
Liz Cullinan
Liz Cullinan

Liz Cullinan

Senior Sales & Letting Neg

Member of the team for 20 years and is an Acton resident

Sales Assistant
Mary Betterton
Mary Betterton

Mary Betterton

Sales Assistant

Member of the team for 7 years and has career in lettings and sales agencies in Ealing and Ickenham and is an Ealing resident.

Admin Secretary
Juliet Jeffries
Juliet Jeffries

Juliet Jeffries

Admin Secretary

Member of the team for 9 years having previously worked for the BBC for a very long time and is a Hanwell resident.

The Late (1936 - 2024)
Derek Grimshaw
Derek Grimshaw

Derek Grimshaw

The Late (1936 - 2024)

Our Location

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